Locate Legislative Bills and Other Government Data

California Legislation Find the full text of bills, resolutions, constitutional amendments, history, and more. Locate any Assembly and/or Senate bill from 1993 through present. Search by year, bill number, author, or keyword.
California State Senate Find today’s State Senate hearings, current membership counts, Senator’s contact and district information, committees, session schedules (current and past), offices and caucuses, and more.
California State Assembly Find today’s State Assembly hearings, search for your representative, watch or listen to the latest broadcast, look at the legislative calendar, find a member & his/her staff salaries, and more.
The California Governor Find the Governor’s latest top stories, news, issues, and appointments. Visit the Newsroom page and find speeches, executive orders, public notices, and proclamations (current and archived).
Federal Legislation Track the activities of the United States Congress. Become aware of their voting records, their bills and resolution, pending legislation, and Congressional committees.
Find Your Elected Officials Do you know your elected official?  Search the congressional directory, find the candidates, their profile and issues; find contact information on national and local media, and more.

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